
To be a distinguished Pentecostal training school that equip servant leaders to establish the Church.

Mission Statement

The School of Bible and Theology equips Pentecostal servant leaders to make disciples through local church ministry.

Goal of the Program

The goal of the program is to equip students spiritually, cognitively, and morally with Biblical truths to serve the local church and the community with a Christlike attitude, servant-leadership orientation, scholastic aptitude, and transformative social engagements.

Overarching Learning Outcomes

Cognitive (Head)

At the end of program, students should be able to:

1.     Understand Pentecostal theology

2.     Explain God’s redemption plan

3.     Interpret the Bible as the Inspired Word of God

4.     Defend servant leadership in the church

5.     Explain the identity and focus of the church

6.     Analyse current societal trends

Psychomotor (Hands)

At the end of program, students should be able to:

1.     Generate Spirit-inspired sound preaching and teaching

2.     Demonstrate servanthood in life and ministry

3.     Design contextualized mission and outreach initiatives

4.     Create contextualized disciple-making models in the church

5.     Devise strategic ministry plans for the local church

Affective (Heart)

At the end of program, students shall:

1.     Cultivate a Pentecostal disposition in life and Christian ministry

2.     Model servant leadership in the church

3.     Demonstrate a commitment to Biblical truth

4.     Develop a life-long learning posture

5.     Demonstrate passion for the mission of God (missio Dei)

Course Purpose
The purpose of Public Speaking is to increase students’ skill in public speaking and their awareness of the importance of the ministry of speech in all areas of life in all human cultures. Its main emphasis from beginning to end is on the values of Christian ministry through speech

Expected Learning Outcomes
At the conclusion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Know the ethics of public speaking
2. Understand the principles of public speaking
3. Understand the importance of public speaking as a for communication
4. Prepare and deliver speeches in public
5. Differentiate between different forms of public speaking

Course Content
1. Introduction to Public Speaking
2. Self-awareness and communicating in public
3. Ethics of Public Speaking
4. Speaking with Confidence
5. Listening Effectively
6. Audience Analysis
7. Organizing and Outlining
8. Introductions and Conclusions
9. Informative Speaking
10. Persuasive Speaking
11. Special Occasion Speaking
12. Delivering your Speech
13. Supporting Your Ideas
14. Using Language Well

Instructional Methodology
• Interactive lectures
• Group discussions
• Self-reflections
• Role plays
• Class presentations
• Videos/audios

Instructional Materials/Equipment
Chalkboard/whiteboard, textbooks, handouts, and projectors

Course Assessment
Class presentations 5%
CAT 10%
Project 25%
Final Exam 60%

Choose any of the following:
1. A speech intending to help youth who abuse drugs to stop their destructive behaviour.
2. A speech to a group of unbelievers on why you believe Jesus Christ is the Saviour of the world.
3. A speech to adults on why they should invest in the youth and children’s ministry.
4. A speech to a group of youth in your neighbourhood on the dangers of premarital sex.

Instructions for the project
1. Prepare a summary script on what you will present. This should contain all the key elements of your speech. (Summary script 5 marks).
2. Record your presentation on a DVD. You can do it with a live audience, do it as your friends act as the audience, or record by yourself. (Recorded DVD 10 marks).
3. Present the speech in class (Presentation 10 marks)

To receive a grade, the script, recorded DVD, and the speech must be well done and demonstrate knowledge of the course. The student must apply various principles learned in the class.

Core Textbooks

Verderber, Rudolph. 1988. The Challenge of Effective Speaking. 8th ed. New York, NY: Wadsworth Publishing Company.

The Holy Bible, New International Version (1984).

Further References
Rice, Tammera Stokes (ed.). 2017. Fundamentals of Public Speaking. College of the Canyons.

Coopman, Stephanie J. and James Lull. 2012. Public Speaking: The Evolving Art. 4th ed. Boston, MA: Cenengage Learning.

Beebe, Steven A., Susan J. Beebe, and Diana K. Ivy. 2001. Communication: Principles for a Lifetime. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Litfin, Duane. 1992. Public Speaking: A Handbook for Christians. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.

Mottet, Timothy P., Sally Vogl-Bauer, and Marian L. Houser. 2012. Your Interpersonal Communication. New York, NY: Pearson Education.

This is a Degree level  Introductory Course in the Discipline of Psychology.